Watercourse odor.
Creek reek.
Leave a windproof jacket where you can find it later.
Park a parka.
What one of the coven?
Which witch.
Money hideaway.
Cash cache.
Shortens the rear appendages of disagreeable mongrels.
Curtails cur tails.
Put a stove top in order.
Arrange a range.
Deceives one’s aunts’ and uncles’ children.
Cozens cousins.
Sixty minutes belonging to us.
Our hour.
Certainly, the subject is girdles.
Of course it’s of corsets.
Makes sure of appointments in the glen.
Validates valley dates.
A relaxed flirt.
A tease at ease.
A quartet also is allowed not to remember.
Four get to forget too.
What is the reason not a single homeless alcoholic is present?
Why no wino.
Thoughtful strainer for ink-filled writing instruments.
Pensive pen sieve.
Write a computer program for the final bars of a piece of music.
Code a coda.
Hypertext connections to a golf course’s wildcat. (3)
Link’s lynx links.
Dad imparted the information to the quilted square she uses to take hot cookware out of the oven.
Pa told her potholder.
Watercourse odor.
Creek reek.
Leave a windproof jacket where you can find it later.
Park a parka.
What one of the coven?
Which witch.
Money hideaway.
Cash cache.
Shortens the rear appendages of disagreeable mongrels.
Curtails cur tails.
Put a stove top in order.
Arrange a range.
Deceives one’s aunts’ and uncles’ children.
Cozens cousins.
Sixty minutes belonging to us.
Our hour.
Certainly, the subject is girdles.
Of course it’s of corsets.
Makes sure of appointments in the glen.
Validates valley dates.
A relaxed flirt.
A tease at ease.
A quartet also is allowed not to remember.
Four get to forget too.
What is the reason not a single homeless alcoholic is present?
Why no wino.
Thoughtful strainer for ink-filled writing instruments.
Pensive pen sieve.
Write a computer program for the final bars of a piece of music.
Code a coda.
Hypertext connections to a golf course’s wildcat. (3)
Link’s lynx links.
Dad imparted the information to the quilted square she uses to take hot cookware out of the oven.
Pa told her potholder.