All Hail the Syndics -- played by the Drapers Guild Teatime Ensemble
Honorary Syndics
We love our sweet Henri almost as much as the ladies do.
Sweet "Dumpling" Henri
Thomas is so clever, we can hardly stand it.
Clever Thomas
Let your hair down, Hannah.
Hard-hearted Hannah
Is that all, Oh Great One?
Dazzling Marcel
Her smile breaks our hearts.
Exquisite Edna
Our great explorer of unknown worlds travels in comfort.
Jorge the Conqueror
We'll be careful, sir. Please don't knock our teeth out.
Ernie the Taskmaster
Our gratitude for the liberty or, to be more precise, the liberties that you have allowed us could, like any expression of good will or, for that matter, ill, be overstated, but for us to mention the confidence in, we would not presume to say our talents, but our efforts to approach their threshold which that allowance affords us, would not be to do so.
Uncle Henry
Friends forever.
Our pal, Anton
She lets us know who did it and why.
Detective Inspector Mary Anne
No swelled heads when he's around (other than his).