After some resistance, I have come to agree that there is a certain degree of subliminal racism that is working against Obama in the election. There are people who sincerely deny they are racists, yet harbor a subconscious racism. This can express itself in such things as a belief that Obama is not really a citizen, or that he is a secret agent of the United Nations.
But, if a prejudice like racism lies hidden in the voters' subconscious, certainly anti-Semitism must be there as well, insidiously influencing people who consciously abjure that prejudice with the same vehemence that they or others deny they are racists.
Well, if that is true, then wouldn't Republican efforts to paint Obama as an enemy of Israel (in order to woe Jewish donors and Jewish voters) tip the subconsciously anti-Semitic towards the President, thus -- to a degree, anyway -- counterbalancing the subconscious racism that may hurt him in the polls?
Hmmm, again.